Planning for the future – Gordon Liddle offers the first steps on a route away from our suicidal path

Posted: January 5, 2023 in carbon emissions, Climate change
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When psychopaths and gangsters are running the neighbourhood, our only chance is to wrestle the wheel from them. … and create a National Forest the length and breadth of the UK: Zombie Apocalypse, 16th Aug 2021

In Ars Notoria, artist Gordon Liddle opens:

Time to pause! Stop. and think. Time to take stock. We are drifting toward war and ecological collapse like drunks seeking the next open bar. Staggering along, bouncing off lampposts and cars, desperate for the next drink to avoid reality. And the reality isn’t pretty.

Capitalism is literally burning all our planetary resources to accumulate vast sums of wealth for a very few people and we are just observers.

The ruling party have made themselves, their hedge fund and big Pharma buddies, colossal amounts of money from this pandemic, whilst the rest of us have to get by

Only weeks ago, Spaffer went before Parliament and said, ‘there was no military route to power for the Taliban!’

After a scathing commentary on current events (2021) Gordon Liddle ended:

Let’s plan a route away from the suicidal path we are on

Start with some very obvious things

immediately cut to a four-day week.

Start taxing the commons and make companies place a deposit before mining to cover the costs of reparations when they have finished.

Write off the debt of the Global South so they can prepare for the coming ecological onslaught that they had no part in engineering.

Ban tax havens and then tax billionaires till they squeal.

Nationalise all water Companies and Power Companies and Grids.

Pay a decent state pension so oldies can actually retire instead of taking jobs which younger people could do, the money is a multiplier and just goes straight back into the economy.

Close all Public (private) Schools and educate our citizens properly (it will never happen whilst the elite can opt out).

Promote the arts, sciences, things that make life worth living.

Teach kids ecology and how to have a social relationship with the natural world, let them do some gardening, kids actually love it.

Start rewilding parts of the UK, we could start with Grouse Moors.

Create a National Forest the length and breadth of the UK.

Ban all external funding for MP’s and remove the House of Lords replacing it with a people’s assembly.

Ban deep sea trawling, remove our nuclear weapons, we don’t need them.

Set up a doughnut economy with doughnut cities.

Link executive pay to the pay of the lowest worker in the organisation.

The list of what we could do is endless, it just needs vision. 

Draw up a Marshall type plan to work with other governments toward a common goal, which is, now, survival.






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